Hi, Iā€™m Allison Campbell.

I decided to create Language Escapes to provide curated travel experiences that focus on cultural and lingual immersion. This idea comes from my inherent love for travel and language; both things that I believe contribute to personal growth and understanding of our fellow humans. This can all be done while also having an incredibly memorable and fun vacation. I strive to create luxury travel experiences that also hold a longstanding value through authenticity and quality.

This travel company means so much to me because it is a combination of my strongest interests and goals, those being travel, language, and education. I believe education is the solution to nearly all of the worlds problems; the worlds societies would be greatly improved if general, sexual, religious, and multicultural education was available to each and every person. Through my experiences traveling, I have learned about different cultures and it has widened my perspective on life. In October 2022, I obtained my TEFL certificate which enables me to teach English abroad. This has always been a serious goal of mine, along with becoming fully fluent in the Spanish Language. I have turned my passion for language learning and travel into my career.

Travel planning is something I have learned to excel in. Therefore, I want to share my ideas and provide people with an experience I would want to have myself.

My Background

I completed my bachelors degree at the University of South Florida in Tampa spring 2022. My major was secondary social science education with a minor in linguistics. During my college career, I studied abroad three times. The first was to Costa Rica for a College of Education specific two-week experience working with students at a bilingual school in San Jose. The second was a semester in Oviedo, Spain which was cut short two months by the pandemic. Both experiences were partially funded by the Global Educators scholarship which I was awarded by the College of Education at USF. My third study abroad experience was to Riga, Latvia where I studied linguistics thanks to a full ERASMUS scholarship offered to me by our Director of Social Science Education, Dr Barbara Cruz. These experiences led to a very profound understanding of cultures different than my own and have been enlightening regarding what I want to do in my career and life in general. These experiences have taught me so much, and I am eternally grateful for these life changing opportunities. They have inspired me to travel and go beyond my comfort zone; I have since been on many solo trips throughout the US and Latin America. I hope to enable many more people to do the same thing, it is an incredibly rewarding feeling to know you accomplished something not everyone could have done.

Happy travels!

Allison Campbell

During the summer I live in Cody, Wyoming working as a tour guide in Yellowstone National Park.

During the winter, I work at Moonlight Basin Club in Big Sky, Montana.

Creator of Language Escapes travel planning

Personal email: Campbella33@outlook.com