Allison p. campbell

Allison p. campbell

This page is a complete compilation of my teaching experiences, certifications, sample lessons, and teaching philosophy.

Painting class in Riga Latvia

Teaching Philosophy

Obtaining an education is the most valuable thing we have ever been given in our lives.

As a graduate of the University of South Florida College of Education, I understand the importance of quality education for all. My experiences traveling abroad have inspired me to be as culturally aware and cognizant as possible, whether that be at a cooking class in Italy or in a classroom in Montana.

I believe traveling is a form of education, that is why one of my main goals as a teacher is to expose students to the world using as many different resources and methods as possible. I believe diversity is beauty, and allowing students to be their own person, solving problems using inquiry, and giving them multiple choices is something I strongly believe in as a teacher.

I believe students thrive when they are encouraged, rewarded, and challenged. One of my strongest viewpoints in life is that we learn by experience. We have to try and fail until we learn from our mistakes. This is the most substantial form of learning, and I believe students should be given multiple opportunities to experiment, experience, and eventually achieve.

As a teacher, I am able to recognize that our youth is the most important piece of our society. They are the ones we have the opportunity to inspire and influence to be the next leaders, heroes, and agents of change. We must protect them and nourish their spongy brains with as much as we can while we still can.

We have the ability to inspire so many people. I will be the teacher students remember. I will be the teacher who’s class students want to attend. I will be the teacher who students come to for advice.

I believe everyone deserves a chance, I will do my part to achieve this vision.


Currently obtained: ITTO TEFL Certificate

Pending Approval: Florida 6-12 Social Science Certification

Allison Campbell


Letters of recommendation

Letter of recommendation from Luis Tamayo, the Director of ITTO Guadalajara.

Letter of Recommendation from Program Coordinator Dr Bárbara Cruz endorsing me for the JET Program.