language learning tips

Follow these tips and your language skills will blossom!

This article contains my methods and advice for how to learn a second language, what materials to use, how to use them, and what you can do to achieve the best results for acquiring your target language. My language learning journey was motivated by my desire to communicate while traveling abroad, this has led to so much more and I am so grateful I began when I did. In order to become fluent, you should take into account my language learning tips so that you may gain the most out of your time and money. You need to find your motivation to learn a foreign language, hopefully this guide enables you to find what works for you!

Language learning materials

Language learning programs online

In 2019 I decided I wanted to learn some Spanish before heading off to Spain for a study abroad trip. My roommate at the time gave me her login for the online Spanish learning program called Spanish With Paul ( ), this program was just what I needed to get me started and lay a solid foundation for the Spanish language.

I cannot stress enough the effectiveness of this specific program, it is very well made and is very easy to use and learn from. If you are trying to learn Spanish, this is the way to go.

There are many other programs online for language learning, I have recently started the Japanese Uncovered program as I am applying for a spot in the JET Program for this year. I have found that this specific program is not necessarily my style, but there are many different learning styles so find the program that is right for you!


There are so many options and ideas that you can find on YouTube!

YouTube is a great resource for language learning. It has a plethora of informational videos and grammatical explanations, I would type in the specific grammar structure you are trying to improve and then go from there. There are many Creators who have playlists with a succession of videos that relate to your initial search, you can easily navigate their pages and find videos that will explain in great detail each grammatical structure.

YouTube can also be utilized for learning more about the culture through documentaries and blogs showing what its like to be in the place you are going. It may also help you decide what you would like to do while you’re away!


Using language books as a learning tool is a great resource for those who like to have things explained in detail. I have found that language learning books are very useful for myself as I can focus on the many examples and learn with the activities throughout the chapters. I currently am using a book called Basic Japanese by Samuel E Martin and Eriko Sato. I have found it to be well written and digestible for someone who is first starting out. I would definitely suggest going into a bookstore before purchasing, and skimming through each language book in order to find the one that you are most comfortable with.


Formal classes are a great way to learn a new language due to their established structure and proven efficacy. This type of setting will expose you to multiple forms of language— reading, writing, listening, speaking— and force you to use the language with your teacher and peers. It is also very helpful to have a teacher available to help you when you have questions or need additional explanation.

Something else I suggest once you have a decent grip on the language is to find classes offered in the target language but which aren’t actually language classes themselves. For example, when I lived in Riga, Latvia I took a class that was taught in Spanish which was about Spanish literature. This was so helpful for me because the constant input of Spanish in order to learn the material pushed me to listen with more intention and pay close attention just in case I was called on. I would consider this to be one of the turning points in my Spanish speaking ability.

books in the target language

Reading books in your target language is an incredible tool to use at the intermediate to advanced level. When first starting to do this, I would suggest ordering a book that you have already read previously but in your target language. Reading a book you already know the story of will make it much easier to understand and enjoy the story since you already know what is going to happen. This will improve your language learning by exposing you to new vocabulary and correct grammar at a very high rate and density.

Once you have read a few books that you have previously read, you can move onto books that you have never read before. I have actually read serval of the Colleen Hoover books— Verity, It Ends with Us, and Reminders of Him in Spanish; they were all great reads and very readable due to their dialogue based storylines. Pro-tip: find books that are dialogue based, NOT descriptive based. Descriptive language is difficult to read sometimes in English, let alone your target language.

A book at the National Library in Madrid, Spain from 1411.

language immersion vacation

If you are in for an experience of a lifetime, and want to practice and learn language, and immerse yourself in a new culture, please consider taking a language immersion vacation. The opportunity to practice your target language in an immersive setting is not something you can get staying home. After about three days, you will feel so much more confident and fluid in your speaking. You will meet so many new people, oftentimes other travelers from around the world.

Being able to communicate with locals in their own language gives you a completely different experience as a tourist. They respect you more, you are so much safer, and you will get some great, genuine recommendations for food and things to do. There are so many advantages to knowing a second language, and for me the biggest is the ability to communicate while traveling.

One of my favorite paintings at the Picasso museum in Barcelona, Spain.

find a motivating factor

If you’re not motivated to learn a language, there’s pretty much no use in trying. Find something that intrinsically motivates you to keep going even when its challenging, this could be a number of things but here are some of my personal favorites:


Maybe you have a huge crush on Bad Bunny, or Sofia Vergara, or the Spanish speaking cutie at your work. Use this motivation to help you achieve fluency to the point that you could talk to this person and impress them with your awesome second language skills! I know many stories of people who fell in love first and learned the language second. Use this to your advantage, best practice buddy ever!

job opportunity

Knowing a second language is a huge advantage in the job field. You will be highly sought after for your unique skill that will bring your company business. This is a great motivating factor for people who are high achievers who want to use their people skills to the extreme by being able to communicate with such a large new market of customers. Having a second language will also increase your possibility of being paid more for your valuable skills, so learn that language and get that money.

I was very motivated to learn Spanish in order to secure a job as an Au-Pair in 2021.


If you enjoy traveling and want the best experience possible out of your trips, you should definitely start learning a second language ASAP! Find your motivation with the prospect of an authentic cultural experience abroad. This is something you will not regret, you’ll notice the difference immediately with peoples demeanor and way of treating you. People are much more willing to assist someone who is at least trying to use their native language then people who make no attempt to do so.

This is the motivation I have used, and I am so grateful to have that as my reason. It has led to incredible experiences abroad, new friends and relationships, and personal growth that would not have been possible if I did not know Spanish.

San Sebastian, Spain.


Language learning has many benefits we sometimes forget about. One, in my opinion, is the added safety it brings travelers while they are away from home. As a 23 year old young woman, I do need to be smart and aware of my surroundings at all times when I travel alone. I feel a much better sense of safety knowing I can speak the language of the place I am in, and that the people respect me even just a bit more.

Knowing if someone is talking about you, or is just being weird can definitely keep you out of a very unnecessary and scary situation. Learning a second language, including some of the slang from the country you will be visiting will keep you much safer and out of trouble.

start speaking early

Vocabulary and grammar make up a language, this should be your focus as you begin to learn a new language. If you can get yourself comfortable speaking —even if its not perfect!— at an early stage, you will undoubtedly have an easier time later on as you continue to learn a new language. It is in my opinion the most challenging thing to do, but the sooner you do it the better it will be in the long run.

A great way to do this is by peer teaching. This is when you learn something yourself and then take the time to teach it to someone else. This will solidify your own understanding of the language as well as give you practice speaking and interacting with the grammar and vocabulary.

pop culture

shows, movies, & music

If music and movies are your life, you need to channel that into language learning. This is one of the suggestions that works for some people and is not as effective for others. For me, I found that music helped with my pronunciation, new vocabulary, and my knowledge of the culture I was inserting myself in.

Movies and shows on the other hand were difficult for me to utilize as a language learning tool, as it was just beyond my comprehension level and frustrated me. I find it hard to enjoy the show and therefore it was more of a chore then a simple way to gain language input. I have heard pleanty of times that someone had learned English by watching shows and movies, so if that works for you go for it!


Simply find what works for you, implement it into your daily life, and remember that it will all be so worthwhile when you start receiving compliments on your language ability and can use your skills to travel, be successful in your job, or create meaningful worldwide relationships. Find things that you enjoy doing, because once it isn’t fun anymore, you’ll loose that desire to keep learning. Stay positive and put everything you’ve got into learning a new language, you wont regret it!


vacation in northern spain


8 days in hawaii